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IP Portfolio

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Possessing multiple IPs around the world will pose difficulty to organize and effectively gain its reward. With increasing global competition and rapid advancement in technology, it is required that IPs are managed to its full potential. This is where we offer our services for you to maximize your return on investments. Our services would assist your business to stand out from your competitions, give you a competitive edge, increase your market value and expand your opportunities. Our services towards IP portfolio management involve registration of new IPs, analyze and assess the risk of existing IPs and manage them, advise on commercialization of your IPs, create a barrier of entry against competitors, attract investors and many other services that enable you to utilize and maintain your IPs the best way. Our IP Portfolio Management extends services to:

International Trademark Portfolio Management
  • Strategic management of all legal processes concerning trademark from registration to complete protection in desired jurisdictions around the world

  • Involves understanding your trademark needs with keen sense of business, outlining your goals of product and service protection and set priorities for the way forward

International Patent Portfolio Management
  • Effective patent portfolio management involving expertise of experienced patent attorneys with calculated insight into your ideals and goals enabling to leverage your inventions to bring value to the business

  • Understanding the existing status of your patents and other technologies, perform technical check and assessing the worth, identifying your assets, customizing a strategy tailored towards your business objectives, helping you to develop and maintain a strong defensive portfolio

International Design Portfolio Management
  • Strategizing and developing a strong portfolio for protection of your designs keenly managed to negate any infringers

  • Understanding the potential of your creative outcome and working towards complete protection with input of our ideas to commercialize yet preserve your rights over the designs attracting markets and expanding your enterprise